Risky Driving is Now the Norm — What You Can Do To Practice Safe Driving

With the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown opening up roads for commuters, many drivers took advantage of the opportunity to drive faster. According to a study from the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS), traffic volumes fell by a quarter during the lockdown, while the proportion of speeding vehicles rose by approximately 40 percent. Likewise, 2020 crash deaths jumped by seven percent throughout the nation despite the considerable drop in the number of miles driven. The IIHS had looked at Virginia driving behavior between March and June 2020 and found the chances of a driver speeding over 10 miles per hour (MPH) past the speed limit increased by more than 50 percent. Subsequent federal data showed that this tendency was sustained through 2021.
This all goes to show that risky driving is the new norm on our roads. At Trillium Driving School in Roswell and Lawrenceville, GA, we are committed to protecting our community through the practice of safe driving. With commutes becoming more hazardous, it is important to make sure you are a safe driver who is not endangering yourself or others on the road. Here are some tips that our Trillium team has put together so you drive smarter. Sign up for courses at our Roswell and Lawrenceville driving schools to start your journey on a path to better road safety.
Slow Down
First — because others have increased their pace on the road — you should keep yours at a safe, sustainable pace. Remember that speed limits are in place for a reason and they are not just there to annoy you. This will help you to maintain your safety while not being a burden on others around you. Speeding is dangerous and will put other drivers, pedestrians, and cyclists at risk because it forces them to react in a way that is less safe. In this same vein, driving too fast means that you won't be able to stop if someone unexpectedly steps out into your lane and you'll need to slam on the brakes. This can cause you to lose control of the car which could lead to an accident.
Accidents are often a result of someone exceeding the speed limit and the law exists to prevent those types of accidents. For example, construction zones often have a lower speed limit to control the active areas. Due to trenches, uneven pavement, and narrow lanes, driving at an accelerated pace within this context enhances the probability of someone getting hurt.

Exercise Caution
Remember that other drivers may be distracted by their phone, a conversation with a passenger, or even music from an earbud. Be on alert that something unexpected could happen, and keep your eyes on the road in case someone throws an unexpected hazard your way. Pay attention to what is going on around the vehicle and when it is appropriate for you to use the brakes or gas pedal in order to maintain your safety and be a good driver. This can save you from making a mistake that leads to an accident. For instance, if there is a car coming towards you on the road and it appears to be about to make a turn, slow down and wait for the turn lane before proceeding. Basic defensive driving fundamentals like looking before changing a lane, and stopping at a stop sign will reduce the likelihood that you will cause an accident. With heightened reckless driving out there, it is important for you to slow down and exercise caution when driving. Attending our Lawrenceville driving school, you can enroll in programs like defensive driving to help you be safer on the road.
Focus on the Road Ahead
One of the most common causes of collisions is distracted driving and when you are driving, it is important to be aware of your surroundings. In order to make sure that you are always alert, try and keep your hands on the wheel at all times. The pervasiveness of cell phones and their integration into our lives makes them hard to put down but when it comes to driving it is a necessity to leave them alone. Driving deserves your complete attention when behind the wheel and the best way to stay focused is to keep your attention on the road and your surroundings. To keep yourself safe, eliminate distractions and make sure you are always acting in the best interest of other drivers around you.
With a clear mind, you can be more attuned to your surroundings and the proper defensive driving tactics you need to employ. For example, driving without using your turn signal is a common mistake many drivers make. And this is a costly error because turn signals give other drivers notice to adjust their speed accordingly. To learn more about how you can drive smarter, attend a local driving school in Roswell or Lawrenceville, GA. By keeping yourself adequately informed about these defensive driving techniques, you are able to utilize them when it counts most.

Follow The Basics
This basic rule is one of the fundamentals of safe driving. Wearing your seatbelt significantly reduces the chances of sustaining serious injuries in a car accident. Whether you are on the highway or stopped at a red light, being buckled in can save you from a bad crash because you cannot control how others behave on the road. This precautionary measure is necessary to keep you protected from reckless drivers who may rear-end you and cause injuries.
When driving at night, there are a number of precautionary measures that you can take to reduce your risk of an accident. To reduce the chances of carelessness on the road, use headlights to illuminate your path. This is critical because, with reduced visibility, you are less aware of your surroundings and other drivers. These conditions make passing vehicles more difficult because people are less likely to notice you so they may not behave accordingly. Being communicative with other drivers by reacting to their behavior is crucial to avoiding dangerous driving, and being able to see one another is key.
With the new norm of speeding and distracted driving, the time to study up on these tips is now. With these tips in mind, you can put them into practice at Trillium Driving School in Lawrenceville, GA, or in Roswell, GA. With courses that can get your driving record back on track or defensive driving courses, the Trillium team will help you onto the path to a safer and more successful driving future. While others have developed poor driving habits over the past few years, you can cultivate smart driving tendencies that not only help you stay safe but also protect other vehicles on the road. Learn more about how Trillium Driving School can be a source of peace of mind for the future by contacting us today and signing up!